The Birds for Company (2014)
Birds are more an abstract source of inspiration in this piece, more like fantasy-birds, or cyber-birds, or from ancient times, when tyrannosaurus rex and other ancient animals ruled the world. Some techniques though, for instance, the vertical rustle, reminds flapping of wings of a big and clumsy bird. Some fragmented melody-lines, which appear later, are inspired of birds as well, of their motions appearing suddenly.
My future plans were to record the work and create an electroacoustic version of this using Pro Tools, to place several recorded sounds on several tracks and create some kind of soundscape. Possibly also transpose some sounds (the basic principle is the same as in the work Blow where a whole “choir” of e.g. wind sounds has been created).
This is a work that consist of improvisational elements and noise. Together with cellist Aare Tammesalu, I had an opportunity to explore odd playing possibilities on a cello.
Material which I used for creating tape part: first, we recorded the whole cello piece, then I edited the whole material in Pro tools, using mostly reverse and transpose tools. Finally, I placed the same material on different layers.